Our Social Responsibility: R & D

In support of Technology and Science

"There are no problems... there are only solutions to problems"
We welcome and nurture open innovation which stimulates collaboration, facilitates integration and supports Research and Development in Keratoconus, through technology and science. We have a proven track record for this. KC Global has been established to promote and develop a new generation of clinician, scientist, and medical professionals by:

Supporting education on cutting-edge future topics.
Supporting innovative research programs.
Creating opportunities for global exchange of ideas, and
Vision to provide the most accessible portal for new, young and experienced researchers seeking help from us for further study and future research in to Keratoconus technology and science.

As such, our approach is designed to promote the development of both independent and joint research ventures, with the aim to foster the development of leadership in new scientists, new medical professionals and new clinicians meeting the aims to better patient-care.
With our thoughts, we make the World
For patients average is not good enough, we want better health care, it is much needed in this the most common dystrophy (the serious form of astigmatism) of the front window of the eye (the cornea). As patients we have no bias, we want the best eye care which is available to us; and with the same token, as humanitarians - we are fighting to free disadvantaged Keratoconus patients on their behalf, from avoidable vision loss, isolation and neglect.

To engage with society to foster an informed climate within which Keratoconus research can flourish
There should be earlier detection and monitoring of Keratoconus, with the use of all the available technologies, because prevention is better than cure. There is a full range of options which exist for the patient and they should be made aware of them, from which the least invasive treatment option can be discussed and then evaluated on getting to the visual goal  through the path of least resistance. This is because the least invasive treatment option should always come first before the next more increased challenge in whatever way is considered by anyone.

Medical Information, facts on invasive treatments (which has been widely used for more than a century and to this day), are side-lined and old working practices still continue, when it is modernization which is needed. Keratoconus should be made less problematic now and always for the patient, as much as it can possibly be done, and in the least-est way possible. This can only be changed through education.

To get people out of the "medical loop"
The relevant facts can be found in studies on traditional treatments being more invasive than what is absolutely necessary in this day and age. Treatments which are more invasive than is absolutely necessary are best avoided. Depending on the providers consulted all the options can be discussed and considered with the patient after careful evaluation and lined up to reach the visual goal the most efficiently way; with the least invasive used first as opposed to more invasive or the most invasive of treatments, yet patients are not made aware, of which they may wish to be so that they can make informed choices. As a patient-driven alliance we think this is wrong and truly support raising awareness together with providing an integrated approach to upgraded ultra-sophisticated high-tech research and development to better our health.

The comfort of better vision

Understanding the needs of Keratoconus patients who know about their own health care needs, is fundamental to this work to provide better health-care. As the precursor we know what is needed to improve the health-care of which we patients receive, because we are the most important part of it. Therefore we are committed to supporting and promoting high-quality research to help us achieve this. 

 Built For Mission 

The Future Beckons

Research is central to our mission, of securing and upholding the rights of disadvantaged Keratoconus patients from around the world. We assist vital research on Keratoconus, we influence its direction via the academic and research community, and we promote the effective dissemination of research findings that will have the greatest impact on policy and practice.

Our policy research drives our campaigns and ensures that Keratoconus patients voices are heard. We are multi-centred, inclusive, and are involved the most with world-wide Keratoconus healthcare and its research. And through our special trust, we currently support some of the best and most needed research, which will improve our understanding of Keratoconus and in return eliminate Keratoconus as an health issue for patients.

Your Quest Ends Here!

Under the auspices of those whose breakthrough research achievements and discoveries provided solutions to equip us today, for happiness tomorrow -  the new converging triumphs and pipeline successes will appropriate with a cherished reaction and a revered reckoning yet unseen of an authority distinguished and steeped in renowned and illustrious timeless recognition. 

Join the hall of fame that is exceedingly 'Fluent In Keratoconus' and gifted with grace to approach a state of outstanding acclaimed prominence; which has been personified and sealed for the World's First scientists, professors, researchers, technologists and medical professionals for their remarkable contributions in their research and development into Keratoconus.